“If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.” – Steve Jobs
My Name is SRI HARI . I develop Web Pages and also build Mobile Applications.I live in Coimbatore but I call many places home.I
have experience of working in Java, React JS, Node JS, SQL, Amazon Web Services, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Android SDK, Blockchain Technology. Artificially Intelligent systems have always fascinated me. I read books primarily
to learn, grow, and feed my curiosities. I also have a great interest in photography.
I use React JS, Node JS, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript to build some cool web pages.
“Data really powers everything that we do.” – Jeff Weine
Android Applications have been going great guns,So let's develop those too (using Java and XML)!!
You have to make your websites with love these days!
Ready to start your next project with me? That's great! Give me a call or send an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
+91 94426 42978
+91 94433 05978